
Vision Collaboration with the Global Consciousness Initiative sponsored by the Cuyamungue Institute

Cross-Cultural Collaboration with the Cuyamungue Institute
Sunday Q&A series:
– 2022/5/8 Interview with Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams (“Discovering our Extraordinary Place in the Universe”)

NGO Collaboration with Bharat Sevashram Sangha and the United Nations - Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Working with the head monk, Swami Amarnathananda, of the New Jersey Chapter of Bharat Sevashram Sangha (BSS), a global humanitarian organization based in Calcutta, India (see the headquarters website: Bharat Sevashram Sangha | In Service to Humanity). The New Jersey Ashram is headed by our Senior Monk, Swami Amarnathananda (See Bharat Sevashram Sangha, NJ Chapter – 3490 Route 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824). I

Collaboration with the Center for Christogenesis with Denise Tangney (Ph.D.), Bernice-Marie Daly (Ph.D.).

Ecozoic Wisdom Circle Collaboration with Di Shearer Ph.D. on Ecozoic Wisdom Circles
– Eco-zoic Wisdom Circles are small groups of people committed to four foci identified by Thomas Berry. These are:
• the wisdom of indigenous peoples the world over,
• the wisdom of ancient religious systems both institutional and the free-flowing wisdom of
spiritual practices in parallel to these and largely lying hidden,
• the wisdom of women across cultures, and
• the wisdom of science especially as new advances in cosmology, mathematics and newly
formed field of scientific enquiry take shape and contribute to traditional forms.
"There's a river flowing in my soul..."
2023 Shadfest Poster Contributor – Lambertville, NJ
– Created a poster “There’s a River Flowing in My Soul” for the Jim Hamilton Scholarship Fund as part of this year’s festivities at the Lambertville Shad Festival
"Starry, Starry Shad"
2024 Shadfest Poster Contributor – Lambertville, NJ
– Created a poster “Starry, Starry Shad” for the Jim Hamilton Scholarship Fund as part of this year’s festivities at the Lambertville Shad Festival