EXPLORE Tech for an Ecozoic Era

Put aside your watch and calendar. Forget about decades and centuries.
Begin to think in geologic time - 'deep time', thousands of millions of years."

– Trail marker at site overlooking Grand Canyon, Yavapai Geology Museum.

Why Ecozoic?

It’s all about our house, the house (“Eco”) of Life (“Zoic”) where we are living together, inter-connected with a myriad of beings. Let’s move beyond overwhelm and despair towards a solutionary approach. This is about radical optimism, opening to another vision of our collective future, an era of the flourishing of life on this beautiful, sensuous Earth. 

Learn more about "Tech for an Ecozoic Era" (an AI Interview - 12 min)

Deep Listening

"Spending time listening to the greater context in which we are all embedded (Earth, Community, Global Awareness and an evolving Cosmos) helps us all to form a sacred response." Brian Tucker

Sacred Response

Whole Systems Thinking

Arriving at the best solution to meet the needs of your project or business requires both Systems Analysis (breaking down a problem into manageable chunks) and Systems Thinking (seeing the larger context in which your system challenge operates). Recent projects include:

Inter-spiritual Collaboration with the Guild for Spiritual Guidance to assist with building a new program “Engaged Wisdom” alongside existing programming (Apprentice Program, Graduate Guild). 

Cross-Cultural Collaboration with the Cuyamungue Institute Sunday Q&A series
– 2022/5/8 Interview with Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams (“Discovering our Extraordinary Place in the Universe”)

Project Management

Need assistance organizing and leading a technology implementation? I'm a seasoned IT professional who has served both corporate and non-profit organizations through multiple software implementation projects.

Storytelling and Media Design

Your story is worth telling to the world! As a Creative Consultant, I can help you pull together important elements of your project and help deliver the finished product. Recent projects include:

Storytelling – “On Spiritual Changemaking” for the Ashoka Foundation “Soularize Conference”
3 minute video)

Collaboration – Creative collaboration with Anti-Matter films on “The Now of Change” documentary (30 minutes).

YouTube Series – Bhagavad-Gita “Thriving in Times of Crisis (50 Episode) series with Swami Amarnathananda(Bharat Sevashram Sangha – New Jersey, USA Chapter)

Youtube Video - "Born with a Bang" Storytelling Session with Author, Storyteller and Educator, Jennifer Morgan

Produced in collaboration with TV30 (Princeton), this is a video of a Storytelling session with Jennifer Morgan, author of “Born with a Bang”. Learn more about Jennifer and her work as President of Deep Time Network (http://dtnetwork.org)

Podcast Series on “Theory of Change” with Laura Lee (Cuyamungue Institute) and Brian Tucker
– 2020/11 – Session 1  
– 2020/12 – Session 2

Mindsets for Change

The following are key mindsets or perspectives which I've found to be helpful.

Eco/Community Mindset

Working with this mindset, I've learned to network and make new connections. Collaborations between Science and the Vedic culture, for example, lead towards a more spiritually-informed Science and more grounded spirituality. Weaving together embodied practices (yoga, ecstatic postures, meditation, and more) with social action brings greater clarity to our overall efforts as changemakers. This mindset helps us to ignite a re-enchantment with the Sacred. We learn to see the human as being embedded in a web of inter-dependent relationships throughout the global community and greater Cosmos.

Big Sky Mindset

Cross-cultural, multi-faith service requires a willingness to learn new customs, languages and perspectives. Inspiring different faith groups and cultures using teachings from the world wisdom traditions requires sensitivity and patience. The Big Sky Mindset challenges us to find a greater appreciation for the diversity of global perspectives. This diversity will increasingly become vital as collectively we approach the larger question of how we are to thrive as a species living in harmony with Nature during a time of global pandemic and global climate change.

Systems Transformation Mindset

Leading during times of dissonance (team dissatisfaction with technology performance, project delays due to Covid-19, etc.) requires a more collaborative and fluid approach to project management, a willingness to engage with the gap of uncertainty that comes from the times in which we are living.  In this mindset, we often see possibilities where others perceive only unsolvable problems. Maintaining and evolving relationships in a remote work setting is especially important.   Grappling with systems complexity and identifying root causes of problems is a key part of developing the “Systems Transformation” Mindset.

Deep Listening Mindset

Artyard Sculpture by Ledelle-Moe

Listening to others deeply and being heard by others can be a powerfully transformative experience. Through embodied spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, Qi gong, movement and ecstatic trance postures we can learn to embody and understand the interconnectedness of life. Resiliency in the face of uncertainty is a skill that can be built over time. By further developing the “Deep Listening” mindset, we can also learn to better hear the guidance of Interiority which leads to a more empowered response.

Pattern/Continuum Mindset

The fifth mindset is about finding the patterns among the landscape of experience and observation.


Technology for an Ecozoic Era

These five listening mindsets describe the greater context out of which the initiative “Technology for an Ecozoic Era”, is arising.  As a technology professional working for the past 17 years as a Systems Analyst for a large Human Services Non-profit serving the Greater Philadelphia region, New Jersey and Delaware, I’ve also been consulting with other non-profits whose missions align with my values.  There is a common thread among many of the organizations with which I engage, namely a mission to enhance the quality of life for each of their participants. Each project within the “Technology for an Ecozoic Era” is connected to a greater whole (holon) which expresses the overarching theme of how technology can help us all address a deeper adaptability, fulfillment and resiliency in this next era, which has been termed as the “Ecozoic Era” (life-enhancing) by Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Herman Greene and others. As a whole, this collection of technology projects strives to serve the greater good by nourishing the human spirit, and helping each program participant to thrive during an increasing time of planetary crisis.

Celtic Eye, Columcille Megalithic Park, Bangor, PA

Calling Courageous Collaborators

Together let’s explore whether your project and our technology/mindset skills are a good fit to join this collective of organizations.